- Shirley Li (UC Irvine)11:00am Mar 12, 2025: What’s the wave packet size of neutrinos?
- John Gargalionis (Adelaide)11:00am Mar 7, 2025: Baryon-number violation from the bottom up
- 2025
- 2024
- Timothy Martonhelyi (U. Massachusetts, Amherst)10:30am Dec 18, 2024: Phenomenological Studies of Heavy Spin-One Resonances at Current and Future Colliders
- Suro Kim (KIAS)10:30am Dec 17, 2024: Phenomenological applications of positivity bounds
- Pyungwon Ko (KIAS)10:30am Dec 16, 2024: Thermal WIMP, muon g-2 and B^+ -> K^+ \nu \bar{\nu} in U(1)_{L_\mu - L_\tau} models
- Innes Bigaran (Northwestern)10:30am Dec 12, 2024: Tau physics as a portal for discovery
- Chris Allton (Swansea)10:30am Oct 23, 2024: Some like it hot: breaking the strong interaction
- Nicholas Rodd (LBNL)2:00pm Oct 10, 2024: A Quantum Description of Wave Dark Matter
- Tony Gherghetta (U. Minnesota)2:00pm Sep 12, 2024: A Holographic View of the QCD Axion
- Sokratis Trifinopoulos (MIT)11:00am Sep 2, 2024: New Physics at Colliders: The present, the future, and the far future
- Francesco Sannino (Naples U. and Southern Denmark U.)10:00am Aug 16, 2024: Living on the edge: Quantum black hole physics from the event horizon
- Zhi-Wei Wang (UESTC, Chengdu)11:00am Aug 15, 2024: Phase Transition and Gravitational Wave in Strongly Coupled Dark Matter
- Felix Yu (JGU Mainz)4:00pm May 22, 2024: Consistent Electroweak Phenomenology of a Nearly Degenerate Z' Boson
- Ivan Esteban (Basque U.)4:00pm May 8, 2024: Accreting neutron stars: the potential third MeV astrophysical neutrino source
- Maximilian Ruhdorfer (Cornell)10:00am Apr 24, 2024: Instanton NDA for Axion Models
- Anna Suliga (UC Berkeley)10:00am Apr 17, 2024: Strategies for detecting low-energy neutrino fluxes
- William DeRocco (UC Santa Cruz)1:00pm Mar 25, 2024: Exploring the dark side with high-cadence microlensing
- Gustavo Marques-Tavares (Maryland)10:00am Mar 13, 2024: SPartAcous: a new interacting dark sector model faces cosmological tensions
- Junichiro Kawamura (IBS Korea)2:00pm Feb 15, 2024: Finite modular symmetry for flavor hierarchies and strong CP
- 2023
- Zara Bagdasarian (UC Berkeley)11:00am Dec 8, 2023: Solar neutrinos overview and advances towards Theia multipurpose neutrino detector
- Yen-Hsun Lin (Academia Sinica)11:00am Oct 18, 2023: Signatures of afterglows from light dark matter boosted by supernova neutrinos in large underground detectors
- Tracy Slatyer (MIT)2:00pm Sep 14, 2023: Dark Matter, Cosmic Background Radiation, and the Birth of the First Stars
- Joachim Brod (U. Cincinnati)10:00am Aug 30, 2023: Two new precision observables in kaon physics
- John Gargalionis (IFIC, Valencia)2:00pm Aug 25, 2023: Proton decay in low-scale Pati–Salam models
- Robert Mostoghiu (Swinburne)3:30pm Aug 2, 2023: Cosmological simulations and the search for dark matter
- Venus Keus (DIAS)2:00pm Jul 28, 2023: CP-violation in the dark sector
- Ben Allanach (Cambridge)2:00pm Jul 24, 2023: Floccinaucinihilipilification
- Claudia Hagedorn (IFIC, Valencia)2:00pm July 14, 2023: Phenomenology of low-scale seesaw with flavour and CP symmetries
- Rick S. Gupta (Tata Institute)3:30pm 24 May, 2023: Cosmological selection of the weak scale
- Ellen Sirks (U. Sydney)3:30pm May 3, 2023: Galaxy clusters: giant dark matter particle colliders
- Natalia Tapia (Utah U.)10:00am Apr 12, 2023: Searching for new gamma ray signals from cosmic ray scattering on axionlike particles
- Dipan Sengupta (U. Adelaide)3:30pm Mar 29, 2023: Unitarizing scattering amplitudes in theories of compact Extra Dimensions
- Cristina Mondino (Perimeter Institute)10:00am Mar 15, 2023: Dark photon superradiance: Electrodynamics and multimessenger signals
- Stefano Profumo (UC Santa Cruz)10:00am Mar 1, 2023: The Primordial Black Holes Variations
- Marta Losada (NYU Abu Dhabi)11:00am Feb 24, 2023: Higgs physics, EDMs and Baryogenesis
- 2022
- Michael Klasen (U. Münster)11:00am Dec 22, 2022: Supersymmetric dark matter after Fermilab's (g-2)μ measurement
- Flip Tanedo (UC Riverside)10:00am Oct 26, 2022: Adventures in a Warped Dark Sector
- Kimberly Boddy (U. Texas)10:00am Oct 12, 2022: Searching for Dark Matter Interactions in Cosmology
- Matthew McCullough (CERN)4:00pm 28 Sep, 2022: The Higgs Boson Under a Microscope
- Seyda Ipek (Carleton)10:00am Sep 14, 2022: QCD and Baryogenesis
- Filippo Sala (LPTHE)4:00pm Aug 31, 2022: Heavy Dark Matter from Phase Transitions
- Graham White (IPMU)3:30pm July 6, 2022: Archaeology on the origin of matter
- Kyohei Mukaida (KEK)3:30pm May 11, 2022: Leptoflavorgenesis
- Kohei Kamada (RESCEU, U. Tokyo)3:30pm Apr 27, 2022: Magnetogenesis, Baryogenesis, and Wash-in Leptogenesis in Pseudoscalar Inflation
- Michael Nee (Oxford)2:00pm Apr 26, 2022: The Boring Monopole
- Vera Gluscevic (UCLA)10:00am Apr 13, 2022: Probing dark matter mass and interactions: from the early universe to near-field cosmology
- Benjamin Roberts (U. of Queensland)3:30pm Mar 30, 2022: Dark matter induced atomic ionisation
- Alexander Millar (Stockholm)2:00pm Feb 25, 2022: Axion-photon conversion in neutron star magnetospheres
- 2021
- Ciaran O'Hare (Sydney)4:00pm Oct 27, 2021: Venturing into the neutrino fog
- Volodymyr Takhistov (IPMU)4:00pm Oct 13, 2021: Exploring Depths of the Dark: Neutrinos, Axion Explosions and Multiverse Black Holes
- Zahra Tabrizi (Virginia Tech)10:00am Sep 29, 2021: EFT Constraints from Neutrino Experiments
- George Zahariade (IFAE)4:00pm Sep 15, 2021: Quantum Mechanics of Gravitational Waves
- Nicholas Rodd (UC Berkeley)3:30pm Sep 1, 2021: New ideas for the axion dark matter program
- Hank Lamm (Fermilab)11:00am June 9, 2021: The Long Story Short: Quantum Simulations for High Energy Physics
- Rupert Coy (ULB)3:30pm May 26, 2021: The domain of thermal dark matter candidates
- Kai Schmitz (CERN)4:00pm May 12, 2021: NANOGrav and Cosmic Strings from Cosmological B-L Breaking
- Konstantin Springmann (TUM)4:00pm April 21, 2021: Axions in dense objects
- Joshua Eby (Kavli IPMU)3:30pm March 17, 2021: Axion Stars: Towards the Planck Scale
- Tongyan Lin (UCSD)11am March 3, 2021: Dark matter scattering in dielectrics
- 2020
- Ariel Rock (Wisconsin–Madison)1.15pm December 9, 2020: Unconventional Taste: Flavor via Unexpected Origins
- Clara Hormigos-Feliu (TU Dortmund)5pm November 25, 2020: Asymptotically safe models with Higgs and flavor portals
Stephan Meighen-Berger (
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